Publications and Projects
Sheely, Galen. 2024. “Moving the Electoral Goalposts: State and Local Strategies of Electoral Intervention in the U.S.” Electoral Studies (Forthcoming).
Freedman, Paul, Jennifer L. Lawless, and Galen Sheely. 2022. Election 2021: Democracy, Voter Confidence, and Electoral Integrity in Virginia. 2022. University of Virginia: Karsh Institute of Democracy.
Working Projects:
Sheely, Galen, Lauren Van De Hey, and Sam Koreman. Getting Blogged Down: Tracing Illiberal Political thought Through Blogs Using Text Analysis
- Presented at Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference 2023, to be presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2023.
Sheely, Galen. State Electoral Entrepreneurs: Motivated Election Administration
- To be presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2023.